Spreading Positive Encouragement While Representing Jesus Christ

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An Imperfect Ministry for an Imperfect Community





An Imperfect Ministry Focused on Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Discipleship.
An Imperfect Online Community of Encouragement & Support.
Imperfect Believers, Followers, and Disciples of Jesus Christ.


An Imperfect Extended Family to You and Your Family.


Imperfect Faith Partners to Partner with You on Your Journey in Life with Jesus Christ.

An Imperfect Helpful Resource to Help You Grow and Mature in Jesus Christ.


"I Am: Excellent & Motivated" by Mel Frazier-Carroll

Available Now on amazon.com
(ISBN-10: 1733740414 | ISBN-13: 978-1733740418)

Have you ever felt stuck at any point in life? Ever lacked motivation? Ever felt that something was missing?

This book provides people of all ages the encouragement needed to live a #motivated life. It's for those that are facing challenges, ready to conquer challenges, and have already conquered challenges. It's based on the firm foundation that is the Word of God. What can you expect? Expect to receive the motivation, excellence, and inspiration that God has for you through Jesus Christ.

Get Ready to Win!

Newest Book

"Sunday Dinner: A 52-Week Supply of Spirit-Fulfilling Devotionals for the Entire Family" by Mel Frazier-Carroll

Sunday Dinner equips readers with a 52-week supply of teaching, encouragement, inspiration, guidance, scripture readings, and prayer. In this devotional designed to promote growth and maturity in Christ, you'll be provided with the core essentials needed to help you grow in Christ and live the life that God has purposed for you - with Jesus Christ.

Paperback & Kindle Edition available
ISBN-10: 1733740406 | ISBN-13: 978-1733740401 | ASIN: B07PJVD2Q6 (Kindle Edition)

Other Books

Return of Jesus
We believe that the Return of Jesus Christ can occur at any given time. Jesus will return!

The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
We believe in God the Father (Creator of life), His Son Jesus Christ (our only Lord & Savior), and the Holy Spirit (our Counselor).

Living Word
We believe that the Bible is the Living Word of God. Written by Man, but inspired by God.

Life & Resurrection
We believe in the Life & Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Salvation is attained through belief in Jesus Christ and continuous obedience to Him.

Faith & Trust
We believe that Faith & Trust in God is required for every believer in Jesus Christ.

We Believe . . . .

Non-Stop Encouragement For You

Weekly Message
Missed Church this Week? Need a Quick Word of Encouragement? Need Something to Watch or Listen to While You Work or Sleep? Tune in to The Word of the Week at any time to hear a short encouraging message to uplift, inspire, and motivate you. The Word of the Week is available on YouTube and all Podcast Platforms. So, go to your Platform of choice and tune in to The Word of the Week with Mel Frazier-Carroll. 
Weekly Devotionals
Need Something Good to Read? The Word of the Week Devotional is the positive encouragement you need. Remember, Nothing will ever replace the Bible... your supplemental resources should help you learn what's taught in the Bible. The Word of the Week Devotional is the supplemental resource that will help you...for Free. 
Blog of Hope
Enjoy Reading Blogs? Enjoy Reading Christian Blogs Even More? SGM's Blog of Hope was created to provide you ongoing hope and encouragement. Why? Because we all need encouragement. We want to be encouraged, and we want you to be encouraged, so....Let's be Encouraged Together. 
Quick Encouragement
How about a Tweet? SGM is on Twitter, and will deliver you encouragement in less than 280 characters. Quick words, Quick Encouragement, and the Good News. Not to neglect the preference of photos, SGM is on Instagram and provides encouragement via photos as well. Be Encouraged! 
​Need Prayer? You're Not Alone! We all need prayer, which is why we're here for you, no matter the need. Let us Join You in Prayer, and watch God deliver.

The Father


The Son


The Holy Spirit


Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from Whom all things came from and for Whom we live.
And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through Whom all things came from and through Whom we live.
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Be Encouraged Today